Actors, Threats and Vulnerabilities 12 June to 18 June 2023

Threat Digests

Actors, Threats and Vulnerabilities 12 June to 18 June 2023

For a detailed threat digest, download the pdf file here


HiveForce Labs recently made several significant discoveries related to cybersecurity threats. Over the past week, the fact that there were a total of seven attacks executed, taking advantage of twenty different vulnerabilities in various systems, and involving three different adversaries highlights the ever-present danger of cyber attacks.

Interestingly, eighteen vulnerabilities are part of the known exploited vulnerability catalog by CISA, with four being zero-day vulnerabilities and six classified as celebrity vulnerabilities.

Moreover, HiveForce Labs also discovered that Cadet Blizzard exploited six vulnerabilities, while ChamelGang exploited four.

Furthermore, we identified LockBit Ransomware exploiting seven vulnerabilities and WhisperGate wiper exploiting six vulnerabilities.

Meanwhile, the Chinese-sponsored hacking group UNC3886 has been actively exploiting the CVE-2023-20867 vulnerability and employing advanced backdoors such as VirtualPita and VirtualPie to carry out malicious activities across organizations in the US and APJ regions. All these attacks were observed to be on the rise, posing a significant threat to users all over the world.

For a detailed threat digest, download the pdf file here