The Hive Blog
Quick and insightful reads from our industry thought leaders, acclaimed researchers, and tech innovators.
How Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) can secure the Healthcare Sector
Organizations are becoming increasingly susceptible to cyberattacks threatening the safety and privacy of stakeholders and clients alike. This is even Blog
How Continuous Threat Exposure Management helps the Telecom sector defend against cyber threats
The telecom industry connects the world. Its intricate infrastructure is built around vast amounts of data on the world’s population Blog
You’re never going to be able to fix every security vulnerability, but knowing where to start helps
Milpitas, California, August 29, 2022 — IT security operations, risk management and infrastructure teams face a daily challenge: do more with less. Blog
The current cybersecurity challenge: All the threat data in the world, but no idea how to leverage it
Milpitas, California, August 05, 2022 — Organizations today are facing a deluge of automated cybersecurity threats that are increasing exponentially Blog
How Threat Exposure Management Can Minimize Attack Surface
An attack surface is any physical or digital asset of your organization that runs the risk of falling prey to Blog
How to Evolve Your Vulnerability Management to Threat Exposure Management
One of the risks of only using vulnerability management is creating a false sense of security. For example, attackers can Blog
The US Cyber Incident Reporting Act – its impact and its requirements for Critical Infrastructure Entities
US Congress passes ground-breaking new law with onerous requirements on cyber incident reporting. Here’s what you need to know: The Cyber Blog
Unpromising Vulnerability Prioritization with Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS)
What is CVSS? “The Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is an open framework for communicating the characteristics and severity of Blog
Modernizing Vulnerability Management with Risk-Based Prioritization
The process of identifying the most important vulnerabilities is a challenge every cybersecurity team faces To keep up with the Blog
Randori discovered Zero-day in Palo Alto’s GlobalProtect Firewall, affecting ~10,000 assets.
Outline Palo Alto Networks (PAN) released an update on November 10, 2021, that patched CVE-2021-3064, which was discovered and disclosed What’s new on HivePro
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