Weekly Threat Digest: August 19-25, 2024
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HiveForce Labs recently made several significant discoveries in the realm of cybersecurity threats. In the past week alone, six attacks were executed, six vulnerabilities were uncovered, and one active adversary was identified, underscoring the persistent danger of cyberattacks.
HiveForce Labs has also identified a state-sponsored North Korean cyber threat actor known as UAT-5394, which may be a separate group or a sub-division of the well-known Kimsuky APT group. This group is actively developing and using a new variant of the XenoRAT malware, dubbed MoonPeak.
Additionally, a zero-day vulnerability in Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine, identified as CVE-2024-7971, has been discovered. This flaw can lead to remote code execution through type confusion and is currently being actively exploited. In a recent cyberattack targeting a university in Taiwan, the Msupedge Backdoor was deployed. This advanced malware is known for using DNS traffic to communicate with its command-and-control (C&C) server. The attack likely exploited a critical PHP vulnerability, enabling remote code execution. These escalating threats pose a significant and immediate risk to users globally.
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