Weekly Threat Digest: August 12-18, 2024
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HiveForce Labs has recently made significant advancements in identifying cybersecurity threats. Over the past week alone, HiveForce Labs has detected eight attacks, reported twelve vulnerabilities, and identified two active adversaries. These findings highlight the relentless and escalating danger of cyber intrusions.
Additionally, Ivanti’s Virtual Traffic Manager (vTM) appliances have a critical authentication bypass vulnerability (CVE-2024-7593). This flaw allows attackers to create unauthorized admin accounts, risking system control. While, Microsoft’s August 2024 Patch Tuesday addressed 89 vulnerabilities, six of which were actively exploited in wild.
Furthermore, Earth Baku, an APT group, has expanded its attacks from the Indo-Pacific to Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, using new tools against public-facing applications. These rising threats pose significant and immediate danger to users worldwide.
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