Attacks, Vulnerabilities and Actors 3 July to 9 July 2023

Threat Digests

Attacks, Vulnerabilities and Actors 3 July to 9 July 2023

For a detailed threat digest, download the pdf file here


HiveForceLabs recently made several significant discoveries related to cybersecurity threats. Over the past week, the fact that there were a total of eight attacks executed, a zero-day vulnerability in the WordPress Plugin, and three different adversaries highlights the ever-present danger of cyber attacks.

Moreover, HiveForceLabs also discovered that Charming Kitten employed four malware, in its recent attack targeting US and Middle East. Furthermore, we identified LockBit Ransomware demands a 70-million-dollar ransom for claims of data exfiltration from TSMC systems.

Meanwhile, the RUSTBUCKET malware family is actively developing, adding persistence capabilities, while the REF9135 operation by the DPRK targets cryptocurrency service providers. All these attacks were observed to be on the rise, posing a significant threat to users all over the world.

For a detailed threat digest, download the pdf file here