
Hive Pro TEM

Think Like an Attacker, Act Like a Defender with Hive Pro Threat Exposure Management

Remediating everything is impossible. Drive remediation priorities by combining the attacker’s perspective and your defender knowledge with HivePro Uni5. Take threat exposure management and security visibility to new heights with Uni5 Xposure.

Uni5 Xposure

See more. Secure more. Stay ahead of threats.

Our all-in-one platform minimizes your threat exposure from code-to-cloud by combining full visibility into your assets, security findings, and the latest threat intelligence to identify and resolve the weaknesses that matter with AI-powered prioritization, defense testing, remediation workflow management, and automated patching. Stay ahead to stay secure with Uni5 Xposure.

HivePro Uni5

Outmaneuver Cybercriminals With Proactive, Enterprise-Tailored Defense

The HivePro Uni5 platform elevates traditional vulnerability management to holistic threat exposure management by identifying your enterprises' likely cyber threats, fortifying your weakest controls, and eliminating the vulnerabilities that matter most to reducing your enterprise risks.

HiveForce Labs

Never Miss a Beat on Actionable Intelligence

On a daily basis, our HiveForce Labs Team briefs you on the latest attack, vulnerability and threat intelligence. Additionally, our actionable recommendations can be automated through the Hive Force: Threat Exposure Management platform.

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Centralizing Your Threat Exposure Visibility In One Place
Check Point Fixes Zero-Day CVE-2024-24919 Exploited in the Wild
Attacks, Vulnerabilities and Actors 3 to 9 June 2024
Webinar: Threat Exposure Management - Understanding the essentials and why it matters
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Build your Cyber Resilience

Hive Pro TEM: All-In-One Platform

Hive Pro: Threat Exposure Management (TEM) is an all-in-one, fully-integrated platform that provides wide asset visibility, actionable threat and vulnerability intelligence, security controls testing, patch management, and in-platform, cross-functional collaboration. Close the loop on risk management with auto-generated strategic, operational, and tactical reports through our TEM platform.


Combine The Attacker & Defender Perspectives

Combine The Attacker & Defender Perspectives

  1. Understand your entire attack surface with: automated/Manual Out-of-the-box, total Infrastructure scans (Asset, Code, Container, Cloud, Web, Network, Mobile).
  2. Surface compensating control weaknesses: Simulate real-life TTPs in a controlled environment to surface security control gaps and misconfigurations
  3. Combine your attack surface with the latest and most relevant intelligence: Vulnerability Intelligence, Threat Intelligence, IoC Intelligence, Patch Intelligence
  4. Enrich findings with business-critical context: Environmental Context, Business Context, Proximity of Threats, Compensatory Controls, Asset Criticality
  1. Understand your entire attack surface with: automated/Manual Out-of-the-box, total Infrastructure scans (Asset, Code, Container, Cloud, Web, Network, Mobile).
  2. Surface compensating control weaknesses: Simulate real-life TTPs in a controlled environment to surface security control gaps and misconfigurations
  3. Combine your attack surface with the latest and most relevant intelligence: Vulnerability Intelligence, Threat Intelligence, IoC Intelligence, Patch Intelligence
  4. Enrich findings with business-critical context: Environmental Context, Business Context, Proximity of Threats, Compensatory Controls, Asset Criticality

Analyze All Security Vulnerabilities, Findings, and Misconfigurations In One Place

Analyze All Security Vulnerabilities, Findings, and Misconfigurations In One Place

  1. Deduplicated alerts and risks and sort priorities with AI-powered Vulnerability Prioritization Technology
  2. Answer your most complex risk questions with simple queries using Qzen, our query-builder
  3. Assess remediation options with patch and IoC intelligence pre-populated in all findings

Enhance Collaboration with the Business, IT and DevOps

Enhance Collaboration with the Business, IT and DevOps

  1. Alert Asset Owners Regarding Inputs on Asset Risks Decisions
  2. Collaborate with ITOps and Asset Owner via ITSM and collaboration tool integrations
  1. Alert Asset Owners Regarding Inputs on Asset Risks Decisions
  2. Collaborate with ITOps and Asset Owner via ITSM and collaboration tool integrations
Discover Hive Pro

All-In-One Platform

Optimize Cybersecurity Investments with Effective Threat Exposure Management

Rapid Remediation: 4X Faster
Quickly identify and resolve vulnerabilities to outpace your competition and ensure your business is secure.
Protect Business-Critical Assets: 70% Reduced Risk
Keep your most important assets safe from cyber attacks with Hive Pro's advanced security features.
Optimize Operations: 2X Efficiency Leap
Experience unprecedented efficiency improvements in your daily operations with Hive Pro's cutting-edge optimization solutions.

Key Benefits

Lead with Proactive Protection over Reactive Response

Stay ahead of threats by prioritizing preventative measures over after-the-fact solutions.

Meet SLAs and Compliance Requirements Seamlessly

Oversee critical risks and manage remediation workflows to meet mandatory SLAs and compliance standards. Avoid penalties and non-compliance costs.

Stay Ahead of the Evolving Threat Landscape

HiveForce Labs, our in-house intelligence services continuously updates threat, vulnerability, IoC, and patch intelligence in both platforms so you never miss a beat.

Empower Security And IT Teams to Act Fast

With multiple channels to alert, communicate and collaborate built into HivePro Uni5 and Uni5 Xposure, every step of threat exposure reduction will keep all stakeholders involved or in the know.

Book a free demo and find out more about how Hive Pro can double your operational efficiency


Time to Level Up! Get the Whitepaper for In-Depth Insights on Enhancing Vulnerability Management.

Stop Putting Out Fires Its Time to Change Vulnerability Management For the Better_Final_page-0001

Industry Recognition

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Why Our Customers Love Us

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Single Pane View For Complete Threat Exposure Management.

I recently started using the HivePro Uni5 platform for vulnerability prioritization and have been extremely impressed with the results. The system has helped me to significantly reduce the number of vulnerabilities that pose a threat to my organization, and I have been able to focus on the most critical issues first. One of the things I appreciate most about the HivePro Uni5 platform is how it correlates asset criticality with threat intelligence. This allows me to quickly identify and address potential vulnerabilities that could have a significant impact on my organization.
Manager, IT Security and Risk Management
Healthcare and Biotech
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Reduce Your Business Risks With HivePro Uni5's Threat Exposure Management Platform

I recently used HivePro Uni5 for Vulnerability prioritization and the platform helped our organization to identify and prioritize vulnerabilities at a rapid speed and threat context associated with vulnerabilities relevant to my organization, which made it more efficient for me. Threat Intelligence fearture provided within the platform gives valuable information about daily attacks and vulnerabilities being exploited. The support team was also extremely helpful and they were able to seamlessly integrate the software with existing ticketing system, which made the discovery and workflow of vulnerability management very smooth. Overall, I highly recommend HivePro Uni5 for anyone looking for effectively manage vulnerabilities.
Data and Analytics Manager
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Build your Cyber Resilience

Embrace Hive Pro’s cutting-edge All-In-One Threat Exposure Management Platform for improved vulnerability management, fortified security, and seamless collaboration. Upgrade your cybersecurity resilience now!